"Shimane Card" app version of renewal, its name is "Shimane card application edge (en)"!nWe went to play in Shimane Prefecture, enjoy the Shimane to deals ♪
島根県内の観光施設や故郷料理店、宿泊施設などで特典や割引が受けられる「しまねカード」。その「しまねカード」アプリ版がリニューアル、その名も「しまねカードアプリ縁(えん)」!各エリア・各カテゴリ(食べる・体験・泊まるなど)ごとの加盟施設検索はもちろん、GPS機能で現在地から最寄りの加盟施設を検索できます。加盟施設にて本アプリ内のカードをご提示いただくと、記載された割引または特典が受けられます。島根県に遊びに行って、お得にしまねを楽しもう♪Shimane Prefecture of tourist facilities and hometown restaurant, benefits and discounts can be received in such accommodation "Shimane card".Its "Shimane Card" app version of renewal, its name is "Shimane card application edge (en)"!Member institutions, search for each area each category (such as a stay to eat and experience.), Of course, you can find the nearest member institutions from the current location in the GPS function.If you present the card in this application by the member institutions, listed discounts or benefits will be received.We went to play in Shimane Prefecture, enjoy the Shimane to deals ♪地図検索の不具合を修正しました。